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REST IN PEACE: Kendrick Bangs Kellogg (1934-2024)

Ken Kellogg Portrait

Architect Kendrick Bangs “Ken” Kellogg passed away on February 16, 2024 at the age of 89. Enjoying significant success with significant commercial clients like the Chart House restaurant chain, and international publication of his custom residence projects, Kellogg will be remembered for his contributions to the built environment.

By Keith York

Absent a hearty monograph on his life and work, a number of publications throughout his life describe his antagonism towards architecture, his dreams of building sustainable practices, and his ability to craft a unique path for his ideas and collaborations with clients.

Ken Kellogg was a San Diegan. Akin to how fans of Cliff May’s and Irving Gill’s work draw him close to their communities outside of San Diego County, Ken is often more connected via publicity to projects elsewhere.

Born in 1934, his father a doctor, and his mother, a nurse and artist Ken grew up in Mission Beach and rural Lakeside. “He recalled long summer days spent running around Mission Beach in his bathing suit, a free spirit living in the playground of the Southwest… [and] played French horn in Grossmont High School’s marching band and marched in the 1953 Rose Parade,” according to Dirk Sutro.”

While many have connected him to Frank Lloyd Wright’s work, Kellogg only met Mr. Wright in April of 1955 when he and his fellow architecture students from University of Colorado - Boulder saw the architect speak. At ths time he learned of the unaccredited nature of his Taliesin apprentice program – ultimately deciding to return to San Diego.

Ken returned to San Diego and work in the offices of Sim Bruce Richards and Dale Naegle, during the summers of 1955 and ’56 (while home from college) building models and providing renderings for clients.

Two projects for Russell and Vergie Babcock kickstarted his career as a solo practitioner. Their residence and work on the Babcock Sanitorium in 1957 provided the young designer with the confidence of early accolades and strong relationships with clients. He would later hire photographer Julius Shulman to capture images of his Gordon, Yen, Atoll and Silva homes. These images have been continuously published repeatedly -- internationally – since the 1980s.

Beyond his design work, Kellogg pushed back against the government and design professions throughout his career. Acknowledging the contributions of few people – Wright, Richards, and artist James Hubbell amongst the few – he represented his life’s work as both antagonistic and pure.

The architect’s archive will be housed at UC Santa Barbara’s Art, Design & Architecture Museum alongside other San Diegans’ – Cliff May, Sim Bruce Richards and Norm Applebaum.

Kellogg is survived by his second wife, Franeva and three children with Marilyn Kellogg - Shanna, Klay and Bryn and five grandchildren.

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