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Alfonso Macy

Architect | 1928 - 2014

Alfonso ‘Al’ Macy was born in Cleveland, Ohio and secured his BA, in 1952, at Carnegie Tech after service in the Korean War. He and his wife Lillian sold the home designed for them (in 1953) in Sheffield Lake, Ohio and moved to San Diego in 1955. Here he worked with Selden Kennedy, Dick Lareau and Sam Hamill. By 1960, Al was working with Lloyd Ruocco where he met his future partner Homer Delawie.

Alfonso Macy, the only son of Damicella and Joseph Macyauskas, was born on February 1, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio. Al attended east Technical High School in Cleveland before receiving an architecture scholarship to Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon) in Pittsburgh through a colored pencil company. He entered Carnegie Tech at age 17 in 1945 and found himself enveloped in WW2 veterans taking advantage of the GI Bill. He completed one year at Carnegie then enlisted in the Army. After basic training, he was en-route to Korea when his ship had mechanical problems and was returned to San Francisco. Here he was offered the choice to await the next ship to Korea or to return to Baltimore to join the Counter Intelligence Corp. There his ability to draw was recognized and he began producing all manner of training documents. After completing his service, he returned to Carnegie and graduated in 1952.

Summers during his college years were spent working at the firm Carr & Cunningham in Cleveland where he continued upon graduation. He, and fiancé Lillian, designed and built their first home in nearby Sheffield Lake, Ohio in 1953. Following a cursory study of the US relative to weather and a probably openness to new ways, Al and Lillian sold their home and moved to San Diego in January 1955.

Al took the first job he was offered, with a traditional architect specializing in schools. Shortly thereafter he worked with Selden Kennedy, Dick Lareau and Sam Hamill. In 1959 he accepted a job designing homes on ‘difficult’ lots because the pay went from $3.00 to $5.00 an hour as the family was growing. By 1960, Al was working with Lloyd Ruocco where he became friends with Homer Delawie.

When Homer decided to leave Ruocco in July 1961 he asked Al to join him. Together, Delawie and Macy bought property and designed their new office on Chestnut Street in Old Town. Following continued growth, in 1968 the firm became Delawie, Macy and Henderson. In 1977, after 16 years with Homer, Al launched Macy, Henderson and Cole AIA with John Henderson and Melvin Cole.

Partial List of Projects

AVCO Office Building (1971)
2223 Avenida de la Playa La Jolla
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Barracks Complex- Phase I & II (1968 &1969)
North Island Naval Air Station
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Church of the Resurrection (1973)
1445 Conway Drive, Escondido
Delawie, Macy & Henderson, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA & John D. Henderson, AIA – Designers

Cornell Residence (1965)
Bonita Verde Drive, Chula Vista
John D. Henderson, AIA – Architect of Record

Edwards Residence (1974)
5402 Soledad Road
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Henderson Residence (1968)
4879 Academy Street
John D. Henderson, AIA – Architect of Record

Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church (1979)
2235 Galahad Road
Macy, Henderson & Cole, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA – Designer

Macy, Al & Lillian Residence (1987)
3919 La Cresta Drive

Marshall Apartments (1967)
4226 Cleveland Avenue
Delawie & Macy AIA – Architects of Record

Miramar Ranch Elementary School (1976)
10770 Red Cedar Drive
Delawie Macy & Henderson, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA - Designer

Nelson Residence (1973)
5285 Alta Vista Street
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Plaza de Balboa & Fountain, (1972)
East End of El Prado, Balboa Park
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Point La Playa Condominiums (1975)
Northeast Corner of Rosecrans & Lawrence Streets
Macy, Henderson & Cole, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA – Designer

Presidio Park Dedication Monument (1966)
NE Corner of Taylor Street & Presidio Drive
Delawie & Macy AIA – Architects of Record

Rancho Bernardo Community Church (1978)
17010 Pomerado Road
Macy Henderson & Cole, AIA - Architects of Record

Rancho Bernardo Post Office (1975)
Bernardo Center Drive
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

San Diego City College Remodel & Additions (1976)
1313 12th Avenue
Delawie Macy & Henderson, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA - Designer

San Diego State University Parking Structure (1975)
College Avenue, San Diego State University
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA & Paderewski Dean & Associates - Architects of Record

State Compensation Insurance Fund (1970)
10105 Pacific Heights Boulevard
Delawie Macy & Henderson, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA - Designer

St. Catherine Laboure (1966)
4038 Mount Abraham Avenue

Tifereth Israel Synagogue (1979)
6660 Cowles Mountain Boulevard
Macy, Henderson & Cole, AIA - Architects of Record
Al Macy, AIA – Designer

University Hospital Parking Structure (1974)
University Hospital, Mission Hills
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

US International University - Music & Fine Arts Complex (1968)
10455 Pomerado Road
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Whelan Residence (1974)
7530 Mar Avenue
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

Zoo Bus Depot (1970)
San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park
Delawie, Macy & Henderson AIA – Architects of Record

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