Foster Rhodes Jackson

Architect | 1911-1997

Jackson, who was with Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1940s, served as an architect across Southern California - designing only one known project in San Diego County.

Prince of Peace Abbey (ca. 1957-58), Oceanside

Architect Foster Rhodes Jackson was born in Massachusetts and followed in his father’s career footsteps as an architect after studying architecture at MIT.

He studied with Frank Lloyd Wright between 1945-46 (after meeting him in the 1930s) prior to relocating to Chino, California in 1946. After establishing his practice, Jackson designed a number of unique homes across Southern California. Of the estimated 800 projects, Jackson designed custom homes and served as a developer building speculative houses for sale.

Jackson reportedly relocated his office to his residence in La Verne around 1955 – working from home until his passing in the late 1990s.

Partial List of San Diego County Projects

Prince of Peace Abbey (ca 1957-58)
650 Benet Hill Road, Oceanside
*Demolished circa 1980