- All
- Spring Valley
- Encanto
- San Carlos
- Lemon Grove
- Lakeside
- Ocean Beach
- Encinitas
- Escondido
- Clairemont
- Pacific Beach
- Del Cerro
- Solana Beach
- Alpine
- South Park
- Chula Vista
- City Heights
- Vista
- Mount Helix
- University City
- Ramona
- Golden Hill
- UC San Diego
- El Cajon
- Del Mar
- La Jolla
- La Mesa
- Mission Hills
- Point Loma
- Banker's Hill
- North Park
- College Area

Modern Point Loma
Modern Point Loma

All Soul's Episcopal Church (1969)
1475 Catalina Boulevard
Designed by Mosher & Drew
Bascomb Residence (1954)
887 Golden Park
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Blackwell Residence (959)
1275 Willow Street
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Butler Realty
1635 Rosecrans, Point Loma
Designed by Hester & Davis
Cabrillo Monument (1966)
Designed by Frank L. Hope & Associates
Clark, Alice Residence (1953)
3243 Harbor View
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Crane, Loch Residence #1 (1948)
3411 Udall Street
Designed by Loch Crane
Crane Residence #2 (1951)
3330 Poe Street
Designed by Loch Crane
Crane, Russell Residence (1948)
3344 Poe Street
Designed by Loch Crane
Feller Residence (1962)
3377 Charles Street
Designed by Lloyd Ruocco & Homer Delawie
Franklin Residence (1962)
894 Rosecrans
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Goldman Residence (1969)
2451 Poinsettia Drive
Designed by Donald R. Goldman
Hamilton Residence (1966)
485 San Gorgonio Street
Designed by Mosher & Drew
Hillside House (1960)
3343 Poe Street
Designed by Homer Delawie, Lloyd Ruocco
Imperial House Apartments (1961)
2812-2886 Upshur Street
Designed by John Reed
Jackson, David Residence (1964)
3455 Charles Street
Designed by Ronald K. Davis
Jungemann Residence (1957)
4341 Osprey
Designed by Lloyde Therkelsen
Kunzel Residence (1951)
3250 McCall Street
Designed by Mosher & Drew
Liebmann Residence (1959)
3711 Dudley Street
Designed by A. Quincy Jones, remodeled by Sim Bruce Richards
Lindbergh Field (Terminal 1) (1968)
North Harbor Drive
Designed by Paderewski & Dean
Martin Residence (1965)
740 Albion
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
McGaughey Residence (1948)
3646 Rosecroft Lane
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
North Residence (1959)
850 San Antonio Place
Designed by Liebhardt & Weston
Peterson Residence (1976)
567 Gage Street
Designed by Russell Forester
Phillips Residence (1962)
3032 Udall
Designed by Art Loring
Private Residence
3336 Poe Street
Designed by Loch Crane
Private Residence (1974)
3575 Via Flores, Point Loma
Designed by Ronald K. Davis
Private Residence (1971)
3576 Via Flores
Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Private Residence (1956)
3310 Lucinda Street, Point Loma
Designed by Herluf Brydegaard
Residence #1 for Selrick Development Company (1967)
936 Bangor Street
Designed by Robert Platt
Private Residence
929 El Mac
Private Residence
1065 Moana
Private Residence
6382 Hill Street
Private Residence
4344 Osprey
Private Residence (1952)
1843 Narragansett Court
Residence #2 for Selrick Development Company (1969)
940 Bangor Street
Designed by Robert Platt
Richards Residence #1 (1947)
977 Albion
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Richards House #2 (1950; additions 1964)
3360 Harbor View
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Richards Residence #3 (1957)
955 Bangor
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Rigsby Residence (1960)
411 San Remo Way
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Rosecrans Professional Building (1958)
3272 Rosecrans
Designed by Richard Wheeler
Sadler Residence (1960)
4659 Santa Monica Avenue
Designed by Hal Sadler
Sadler Residence (1959)
3860 Narragansett Street
Designed by Hal Sadler
Silva Residence (1953)
560 San Gorgonio Street
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Silva Residence (1960)
596 San Elijo Drive
Designed by Kendrick Bangs Kellogg
Small, Luciene K. Residence (1959)
305 San Antonio Avenue
Designed by Mosher & Drew
Spec House #1 (1954)
946 Bangor
Designed by John Reed
Spec House #2 (circa 1955)
999 Gage Drive
Designed by John Reed
Spec House #3 (circa 1960)
995 Gage Street
Designed by John Reed
Spec House #4 (1958)
3226 Macaulay Street
Designed by John Reed
Spec House #5 (1958)
3222 Macaulay Street
Designed by John Reed
Spec House #6 (1958)
3218 Macaulay Street
Designed by John Reed
Spicer Residence (1960)
379 San Antonio
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Starkey, Skip Residence (1951)
3321 Poe Street
Designed by Loch Crane
Ullrich Residence (1961)
3340 Ingelow Street
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Villa Point Loma Apartments (1964)
3742 Curtis Street
Designed by John Reed
Wright Residence (1949)
935 Bangor Street
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards

Modern Ocean Beach
Modern Ocean Beach

Anderson, Greg Residence (1958)
720 Amiford Drive
*Designed by Robert Platt
Bailin, Marvin Residence (1961)
4495 Monaco Street
*Designed by Maggy -Thomas Associates; published in the March 1961 issue of San Diego & Point.
Carlson Residence (1959)
4520 Carmelo
Cate Residence
4440 Brindisi Street
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Crakes Residence (1961)
4411 Algeciras
Dickens Residence (1953)
1089 Sunset Cliffs Blvd
Dickens Residence (1953)
1093 Sunset Cliffs Blvd
*Attributed to Herb Turner
Henry, Fred Residence (1963)
1102 Sorrento Drive
*Designed by Richard Lareau
Hom, Ed Residence (1966)
4484 Monaco
*Designed by Ed Hom
Jungemann Residence (1957)
4341 Osprey Street
*Designed by Hanis Lloyde Therkelsen
McDowell Residence (1967)
4349 Osprey Street
*Possibly a Henry Hester design
Perlis, Leslie Home & Studio (1962)
955 Cornish Drive
*Designed Sylvia Minkler
Private Residence (1965)
4414 Ladera Street
*Attributed to Paul McKim
Private Residence (1969)
4344 Osprey Street
*Attributed to Paul McKim
Private Residence (1958)
1024 Cordova Street
*Attributed to Robert Platt
Private Residence (1967)
705 Cornish Drive
Private Residence (1974)
907 Cordova
Private Residence (1961)
4414 Brindisi
Private Residence (1958)
4415 Brindisi
Private Residence (1963)
4404 Algeciras
Private Residence (1962)
4422 Monaco
Private Residence (1968)
809 Cornish
Private Residence (1955)
803 Amiford Drive
*1991 remodel by Stephen Burrow
Private Residence (1949)
1005 Alexandria Drive
Private Residence (1956)
1107 Barcelona Drive
Sloan, Gilbert Residence (1968)
4452 Brindisi Street
*Designed by Paul McKim
Spitler, Garold W. Residence (1958)
4560 Ladera Street
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Vollmer, Rose Residence #1 (1965)
4515 Ladera Street
*Designed by Richard Lareau; Owned by the City of San Diego – slated for demolition
Vondracek, John & Joan Residence (1959)
851 Amiford Drive
*Designed by Hanis Lloyde Therkelsen
White Residence (1968)
4420 Ladera Street
*Designed by Don Goldman

Modern Chula Vista and Bonita
Modern Chula Vista and Bonita

Adler Residence (1969)
9 Cresta Way
*Designed by Robert Des Lauriers
Allen, Richard Residence (1933)
3597 Lomacitas Lane
*Designed by Cliff May
Allen, Russell C. Residence (1907)
4094 Old Orchard Lane
*Designed by Gill & Mead
Apartment Buildings (1947)
Six new apartment buildings with 4 units each, Chula Vista
*Designed by Harold Abrams
Bank of America (1962)
3rd &K Streets
*Designed by Paderewski, Mitchell & Dean
Bonanza Sirloin Pit
Locations in Chula Vista
*Designed by Loch Crane
Burnett’s Furniture Chula Vista (1955)
345 E Street, Chula Vista
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Bush, Mr. & Mrs. J. Residence
*Designed by Robert Des Lauriers
Chula Vista Civic Center Remodel
*Designed by Don Goldman
Chula Vista Garden Apartments
*Designed by Loch Crane
Chula Vista Recreation Center and Ira C. Copley Memorial YMCA (1955)
*Designed by Vic Wulff
Colony Kitchen Restaurant Chain (ca. 1966)
Chula Vista
*Designed by Loch Crane
Cornell Residence (1965)
Bonita Verde Drive, Chula Vista
*Designed by John D. Henderson, AIA – Architect of Record
Creaser Residence (1972)
333 Hilltop Drive
*Designed by Leonard Veitzer
Dittenhaver, N.B. Residence (1934)
3462 Malito Drive
*Designed by Cliff May
Education Center (1960)
Chula Vista
*Designed by Freeland & Bird
Elementary Schools (1955-1961)
Four separate schools, Chula Vista
*Designed by Freeland & Bird
First Federal Savings and Loan Branch (1963)
Broadway & H, Chula Vista
*Designed by Frank L. Hope & Associates
First Presbyterian Church (1963)
940 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista
*Designed by Des Lauriers Sigurdson AIA Architects
Fred H. Rohr Elementary School (1966)
1540 Malta Avenue, Chula Vista
*Designed by Robert Des Lauriers
Jack in the Box
Broadway & H, Chula Vista
*Designed by Russell Forester
Jack in the Box
786 3rd, Chula Vista
*Designed by Russell Forester
Keithly, Ralph Residence (1952)
40 Lion Circle, Chula Vista
*Designed by Henry Lawrence Eggers. Published in the San Diego Tribune
Lincoff, Milton and Miriam Residence (1964-66)
152 Old Ranch Road, Chula Vista
*Designed by Leonard Veitzer
Mannis, Ruth Residence (1965)
446 Jacaranda Drive, Chula Vista
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Palace Garden Mobile Home Park Clubhouse (1963)
1425 2nd Street, Chula Vista
*Designed by Robert Ferris
Palomar Apartments (ca. 1973)
Chula Vista
*Designed by Stephen George Oppenheim
Private Residence (1934)
3855 Sweetwater Road, Bonita
*Designed by Cliff May
Private Residence (1955)
626 Vista Way, Chula Vista
*Attributed to Cliff May
Private Residence (1955)
626 Vista Way
*Attributed to Cliff May
Professional Planning Corp Housing Tracts (1954)
Chula Vista
*Designed by Gene Pedersen
Sequoia Towers Apartments (1964)
361 Vance Street, Chula Vista
*Designed by Guy Anderson
St. Mark's Lutheran Church (1966)
580 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista
*Designed by Des Lauriers Sigurdson AIA Architects
Sweetwater Women’s Club Building (1934)
3855 Sweetwater Road
*Designed by Cliff May
US National Bank (1963)
190 Broadway
*Designed by Raymond Ervin
Valle Lindo Elementary School (1967)
1515 Oleander Avenue, Chula Vista
*Designed by Des Lauriers Sigurdson AIA Architects
Victory Housing (1942-43)
Chula Vista
*Designed by Whitney Smith for the Public Housing Works ‘near San Diego’ when Smith worked under William Templeton Johnson and George J. Adams architects; with Paul Hunter, associate architect.
Western Salt Building (ca. 1958)
Chula Vista
*Designed by George C. Hatch
Wulff, Vic Residence (1952)
23 L Street, Chula Vista
*Designed by Vic Wulff

Modern Mission Hills
Modern Mission Hills

Beers Residence (1954)
631 N. Crescent Drive
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Bone, Jack Residence (1960)
1914 Guy Street
*Designed by Richard Lareau
Brav & Schwartz Law Offices (1982)
4026 Dove Street
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Chernoff Residence (1962)
4522 Trias Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Clark, Jim Residence (1958)
1878 Washington Place
*Designed by Frederick Liebhardt
Crabtree, Hodge N. Residence (1962)
4521 Trias Street
*Designed by Frederick Liebhart & Eugene Weston
Delawie House #1 (1958)
1733 Torrance
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Delawie House #2 (1963)
1833 Neale
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Fat, Tom Residence (1979)
3054 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Jim Nickloff
Flores, Frank and Maureen Residence (1972)
3055 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Charlie Gilbert
*Gilbert was from Illinois, Ken Kellogg’s building superintendent while he was working on remodeling Wayne and Barbara Chapman Residence.
Frye Residence (1958)
2316 Juan Street
*Designed by Fred R. Livingstone
Gabbs, Al Residence
3953 Pringle Street
*Built by Al Gabbs
Hayward, Chester & Joanne Residence (1955)
1840 Neale
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Hill, Les & Lilli Residence (1970)
3075 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Hester & Livingstone
Hoffman, Louis & Barbara Residence (1955)
3939 Bandini
*Designed by Loch Crane
Keller Residence #2 (1947)
1433 Puterbaugh Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Lai, Tom Residence (1957)
3872 Bandini
*Designed by Gin Wong
McKim, Paul Residence (1965)
3911 Portola Place
*Designed by Paul McKim & Associates
Merwin Residence (1966)
4444 Valle Vista
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Mission Hills Shopping Center (1950s)
Washington & Goldfinch
Mooney Residence (1949)
1820 Neale
*Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Nelson Residence (1958)
630 N. Crescent Drive
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Newsom, Mr. & Mrs. T.R. Residence (designed 1955, built 1956)
2850 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Nichols, Malcolm S. Residence (1979)
720 W. Montecito Way
*Designed by Robert Bowlus
Private Residence (1965)
3437 Jackdaw
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Private Residence (1960)
2851 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Schoell & Geritz
Private Residence (1983)
3066 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Bruce Dammann
Private Residence
4284 Ibis Street
*Designed by Henry Hester
Private Residence
Bandini Street
*Designed by Harold Leavitt
Private Residence (1934)
2400 Presidio Drive
*Designed by Cliff May
Private Residence (1954)
1440 Puterbaugh Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Private Residence
3252 Hawk Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Private Residence
2417 Pine Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Private Residence (1959)
2021 Rodelaine Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Rabinowitz Residence (1952)
2034 Sunset Drive
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Robertson, Elizabeth House Remodel (1942/1954)
4245 Randolph
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Robertson, Tom Residence (1947) (AKA Judge Conyers Residence)
3920 Pringle Street
*Attributed to Lloyd Ruocco
Selieg Residence (1957)
2110 Guy Street
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Silverman, Richard Residence (1959)
4021 Miller Street
*Designed by William Cody & Henry Hester
Vawter, John & Melba Residence (1970)
3070 N. Arroyo Drive
*Designed by Stan Ring
Westphal Residence (1963)
4285 Jackdaw Street
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Worthington, Bryan Residence Remodel (1968)
2137 West California
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards

Modern Coronado
Modern Coronado

1000 10th Street
*Designed by Paderewski, Mitchell and Dean
Bailhache Residence (1898)
1022 Adella Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill
Church of The Sacred Heart (1919-20)
7th St & C Avenue
*Designed by Gill & Gill
Churchill, Mendell C. Residence (1898)
1300 Orange Avenue - relocated to 1106 4th Street
*Designed by Hebbard & Gill
Cline, Joe C. Residence (1952)
1152 Glorietta Boulevard, Coronado
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Coronado City Hall (1957)
*Designed by Paderewski, Mitchell and Dean
Coronado Municipal Pool (1964)
*Designed by Paderewski, Mitchell and Dean
Coronado Shores Condominiums (1969-1979)
1730 Avenida Del Mundo
*Designed by William Krisel
Coronado Townhouses (1966-68)
1117, 1119 and 1125 Isabella Avenue, Coronado
*Designed by Kendrick Bangs Kellogg
Cossitt, Mary Residence #2 (1898)
1037 Star Park Circle
*Designed by Irving Gill
Cossitt, Mary Residence #3 (1899)
1127 Flora Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill
Duringer, John Residence (1968)
940 Glorietta, Coronado
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Fire Dept. Headquarters (1970)
*Designed by Johnson & Munroe
First Church of Christ Scientist (1927-28)
8th St & C Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill
Frank, Lt. Nicholas House (1936)
266 I Street
*Designed by Cliff May
Gardner, Cmdr. Matthew B. and Mrs. House (June 26,1936)
200 Palm Avenue
*Designed by Cliff May
Hobart Coronado Apartments AKA Park Coronado Condominiums(1959-65)
1155 Star Park Circle
*Designed by Richard Wheeler
Hord, Admiral Paul W. and Jane Residence (1952)
621 First Street, Coronado
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Horton, Eugene Residence (1952)
621 First Street, Coronado
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Hyde House (1938)
160 G Avenue
*Designed by Cliff May
Knauss, Cmdr. E. House (1935-36)
633 Alameda Avenue
*Designed by Cliff May
McCain, James Residence (1981)
Corner of 6th and A Streets, Coronado
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Nichols, Gail Cottage (1897)
750 Adella Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill; burned in 1981
Nichols, Harry W. Residence (1895)
1718 A Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill
Petersen, Captain & Mrs. A.J. Residence (1962)
1010 Glorietta Boulevard
*Designed by Homer Delawie
Pratt, Mary C. Residence (Dr. Lorini) (1898)
1517 Ynez Place
*Designed by Irving Gill
Private Residence (1955)
940 Country Club Lane, Coronado
*Designed by Richard Wheeler
Private House (1937)
266 I Avenue
*Designed by Cliff May
Richards, Bartlett & Mrs. Inez Residence (1901-02)
1015 Ocean Boulevard
*Designed by Irving Gill
Schubert, Jack Residence Remodel (1967)
514 First Avenue
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Seligman, Cmdr. Mort T. House (1935)
777 G Avenue
*Designed by Cliff May
Stephens, Anson P. Residence (1898)
1400 7th Avenue - relocated to 723 A Avenue
*Designed by Hebbard & Gill
Thompson, Percival Residence (1910-1911)
1156 Isabella Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill
Tutt, Arles L. Residence (1906)
1007 Ocean Boulevard
*Designed by Irving Gill
Vernetti, Dr. James Dental Office (1947)
543 Orange Avenue, Coronado
*Designed by Richard Wheeler
Wilde Flats (1919)
544 D Avenue and 545 Palm Avenue
*Designed by Irving Gill with Louis J. Gill

Compton Residence by John Lloyd Wright
Compton Residence by John Lloyd Wright

John Lloyd Wright

Dr. Milton & June Ullman Residence
Dr. Milton & June Ullman Residence

John R. Mock

Grossmont Hospital
Grossmont Hospital

Charles Luckman

Paul McKim Residence
Paul McKim Residence

Paul William McKim

Les & Lilli Hill Residence
Les & Lilli Hill Residence

Henry Hartwell Hester Frederick Ralph Livingston

Homer Delawie Residence I
Homer Delawie Residence I

Homer Delawie

Mr. & Mrs. Sim Bruce Richards Residence II
Mr. & Mrs. Sim Bruce Richards Residence II

Sim Bruce Richards

Mr. & Mrs. Sim Bruce Richards Residence I
Mr. & Mrs. Sim Bruce Richards Residence I

Sim Bruce Richards

Liebmann Residence
Liebmann Residence

The original house, a Sun Villa by A. Quincy Jones, was remodeled by Sim Bruce Richards.
Sim Bruce Richards

Silva Residence
Silva Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Spicer Residence
Spicer Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Wright Gillett Residence
Wright Gillett Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Clark Residence
Clark Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Bascomb Residence
Bascomb Residence

Historically designated
Sim Bruce Richards

Homer Delawie Residence II
Homer Delawie Residence II

Homer Delawie

Applied Physics & Mathematics
Applied Physics & Mathematics

Robert Mosher

El Jardin Verde Development House
El Jardin Verde Development House

John R. Mock

Gleich Residence
Gleich Residence

Henry Hartwell Hester

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quintana Residence
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quintana Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Robert B. Pappenfort Residence
Robert B. Pappenfort Residence

Dale William Naegle

Camp Snoopy
Camp Snoopy

Frederick & Marianne Liebhardt Residence
Frederick & Marianne Liebhardt Residence

Frederick Liebhardt

Louise Liebhardt Residence
Louise Liebhardt Residence

Originally photographed by Douglas Simmonds, this home was remodeled in 1978 by Henry Hester and Interior Designer Billy Gaylord; in 1992 with Interior Designer Mark Hampton and again in 1994 prior to significant changes circa 2015-2018.
Frederick Liebhardt

Modern Alvarado Estates
Modern Alvarado Estates

Amrein House (1956)
5020 Yerba Santa Drive
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco
Arenson House (1970)
4727 Avion Way
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco; Remodeled
Dr. Robert E. Bond House (1960)
4449 Yerba Santa Fe
*Designed by Richard Neutra; Historically Designated; Photographed by Julius Shulman
George Byrum House (1959)
5460 Toyon Road
*Designed by Robert des Lauriers
Gloria Colker House (1972)
4981 Armin Way
*Designer not known
Eason House (1964)
4777 Avion Way
*Designed by Cliff May; Historically Designated
Friedman House (1970)
5604 Toyon Road
Joseph & Arlene Geeb House (1970)
4730 Avion Way
Martin L. & Enid Gleich House (1957)
5120 Norris Road
*Designed by Henry H. Hester (Hester & Davis); Photographed by Julius Shulman; Published – Life Magazine (September 29, 1958); and Architectural Record (August 1962); Earned an Award of Excellence, AIA San Diego 1960; Landscape design by Wimmer & Yamada
Gooding House (1968)
4878 Avion Way
*Designed/Built by John Mortenson
George and Iris Goodman Residence (1968)
5330 Le Barron Road
*Designed by Rex Lotery; Historically Designated
Gerald & Elsie Howe Residence (1983)
4560 Yerba Santa Drive
*Designed by Don Goldman
Dr. Samuel Kassell House (1958)
5140 Norris Road, San Diego
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards for Norris Road (lot 2, Alvarado Terrace) in the San Diego neighborhood of Alvarado Estates, it is not likely that this project was built. With only one payment of $500.00 made to Richards it is unclear of the extent of this project.
Dr. A. Kimball House (1975)
4461 Palo Verde Terrace
*Designed by William See
E. Kogler House
5461 Toyon Road
*Designed by Louis Bodmer
Howard & Janet Koosed House (1961)
4951 Yerba Santa Drive
*Designed by Roger Matthews
Skip & Gail Kuhn House (1955)
5648 Toyon Road
*Fireplaces designed by Sim Bruce Richards; Not confirmed
Residence for Mr. & Mrs. William Lane (1955)
5626 Toyon Road
*Designed by Sim Bruce Richards -- for Alvarado Estates, Lot 30 (of which this address is attributed) and with only one $600 payment made for preliminary drawings, it is unclear if this project was realized.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mabee House (1963)
4545 Yerba Santa Drive
*Designed by William Lumpkins, built by Carl B. Shepard; Historically designated
Richard and Ruth Mabie House (1972)
4481 Palo Verde Terrace
*Possibly designed/built by Mabie & Mintz
A.T. Roskos House (1953)
5405 Toyon Road
Designed by Richard Wheeler
Lloyd & Ilse Ruocco House #2 ‘Solari’ (1956)
5481 Toyon Road
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco; Remodeled
Marian L. & Sidney R. Silverman House (1966)
4635 Yerba Santa
*Designed by Leonard Veitzer; built by Ted Mintz (Mabie & Mintz)
Snudden House (1973)
5526 Toyon Road
*Designed and built by SDSU Professor of Accounting, Leslie W. Snudden, D.B.A.
Townes House (1959)
5002 Yerba Santa Drive
*Designed by Lloyd Ruocco; Remodeled
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Wright House (1959-61)
4431 Palo Verde Terrace
*Designed/Built by John N. Mortenson; Historically Designated

Modern Escondido
Modern Escondido

Allen Residence
Address not known, Escondido
Designed by Ed Malone
Appleby, Carl and Eileen House (1978-1982)
16055 El Guejito Grade Road, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Baldwin, Russell & Joyce Residence (1968)
2854 Calmar Drive
Designed by Russell Baldwin
Barend, William Residence (1967)
Verda Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Beebe Residence (1960)
9458 Del Dios Highway
Designed by Weir Bros.
Brothers Residence (1952)
962 West 4th Avenue, Escondido
Attributed to Roger Matthews
Brown, Dr. James D. Residence (1967)
633 Ranchito Drive
Designed by Russell Forester
Copelands, Admiral House
Park Hill Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Curtis, Dr. William Parker Residence (1961)
Quiet Hills
Designed by Robert Maw; Features original James Hubbell stained glass windows and Jim Grey woodcarvings
Dorman, Chester and Sterling Residence (1976)
15585 Old Guejito Grade Road, Escondido
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Drielsma Residence (1961)
Address not known, Escondido
Designed by Ed Malone
Edwards, Jonathan Residence (1962)
2701 Bernardo Avenue
Designed by Hester & Davis
Fleet, Reuben H. Residence (1959)
3118 Quiet Hills Drive
Freitas Residence (1968)
3022 Donee Diego Drive
Designed by Russell Forester
Goodbody, Mike Residence
1514 Robyn Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hinrichs, Suzy and Jack Residence
2362 Royal Crest Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hinrichs, Tom Residence
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hotchkiss, Bud & Donee Residence
Donee Diego Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Jackson, James & Gretchen Residence (1964)
2775 La Palmas Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Johnson, Nancy Residence
Old San Pasqual Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Kannard Residence
5th Avenue
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Kornhauser, Richard Residence AKA ‘Rocky Point Ranch’ (1951)
1115 Rincon Avenue, Escondido
Now at 2220 Conway Drive, Escondido
Designed by Graham Latta Sheridan
Krichman, Alan & Joyce House Remodel (1975-76)
2377 Royal Oak Drive, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Lepman Residence (1954)
2410 Royal Crest Drive
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Lyon Residence (1972)
2411 Canyon Road
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Marincovich Residence (1964)
936 Vista Avenue
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Matheron, Richard C. House #2 (AKA Villa Tyto Alba) (2009)
15234 Sky High Road, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Maw, Robert Residence (1962)
Unkonwn address in Quiet Hills
Designed by Robert Maw
*Maw was reported in 1961 to be designing his own home of light adobe and considering inclusion of work by Jim Hubbell, Jim Grey, and Jackson Wooley. Not clear if this was built.
McCreery House Remodel (1988)
455 East 5th Street, Escondido
*This remodel by architect Walter Stares White for James McCreery was of John Lloyd Wright's Wood House (1912)
McLeod Residence (1959)
1430 W. 11th
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Moore, Robert E. and Sara B. Residence (1966)
1626 Humphrey Place
Designed by engineer Robert Moore
Peacock, Dr. Residence (1966)
410 Condado Way
Designed by Don Schoell (Schoell & Geritz)
Private Residence
On West 11th, Escondido
Attributed to John Lloyd Wright
Private Residence
Hickory Street, Escondido
Attributed to John Lloyd Wright
Private Residence (1971)
1660 Cloverdale Road
Designed by Homer Delawie
Private Residence (1961)
3215 Bernardo Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1954)
2635 Loma Vista Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1959)
3188 Quiet Hills Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
*Wood for this project reportedly came from the old Ocean Beach pier
Private Residence (1978)
2405 Bernardo Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1961)
2705 Ross Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1978)
2050 La Serena
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1959)
3125 Montesano Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1976)
10082 W. Lilac Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1961-2)
Alexander Drive
Designed by Robert Vogler; Mentioned in April 1961 San Diego & Point Magazine as being a contemporary house on stilts viewable on Alexander Drive
Savage, Howard Residence (1970)
9822 Dogwood Lane
Designed by Fred Blecksmith, Jr.
Sjoberg, John & Deborah Residence II (1976)
419 Marlynn, Escondido
By John Beck Sjoberg
Speers Residence (1960)
118 Caroline Way
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Stafford, Newton & Hella Residence I (1957-58)
411 Idaho Avenue, Escondido, 92025
*Now labeled as 409-11 Idaho Ave
Designed by Walter Stares White
Stafford, Newton & Hella Residence II (1985-88)
2405 Nabal Street, Escondido, 92025
Designed by Walter Stares White
Vernon, Joen & Mary Residence (1968)
2860 Calmar Drive
Likely designed by John Vernon & Associates
Walseth Residence (1964)
705 Idaho Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Weir Residence (1958)
738 Idaho Street
Designed by Weir Bros.
Weir, Robert Sr. Residence (1966)
1914 Summit Ridge Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Wood Residence (1912)
455 East 5th Street
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Wyland Residence (1955)
2434 Choya Canyon, Escondido
Attributed to Roger Matthews

Lloyd Ruocco Residence #2 AKA Solari
Lloyd Ruocco Residence #2 AKA Solari

Lloyd Pietrantonio Ruocco

David & Susan Jackson Residence
David & Susan Jackson Residence

This home was historically designated in 2017.
Ronald Keith Davis

Mills, Mansfield Residence
Mills, Mansfield Residence

In 2000, Modernism Rediscoverd author Pierluigi Serraino wrote, “…Three rectangular volumes of different lengths are arranged around an open court. The centerpiece houses a large living room while the side elements contain the sleeping quarters, a carport and outdoor dining area. The same configuration of the roof section sweeps along a U-shaped path to generate a different canopy for each of the three volumes of the residence. In the middle section, the rafters extend above the centerline to top a double-height window wall facing the front yard. On the street front, a concrete block wall fences an outdoor patio zoned with planting and reflective pool. Some of the blocks slide out of the masonry line to provide built-in planters. Once inside the residential enclosure, the high middle roof slopes down toward the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, changing the scale of the project.”
Dale William Naegle

Jack White Residence
Jack White Residence

The Jack White Residence of 1964 was designed by architect Richard Lareau, who won his first AIA Award of Merit for the project.
Richard Lareau

Chuck B. Hope Residence
Chuck B. Hope Residence

Frank Lewis Hope Jr.
Dr. and Mrs J.L. Feldman House
Dr. and Mrs J.L. Feldman House
Built by contractor Roy E. Reimers, this house has long been incorrectly attributed to architect Sim Bruce Richards. While Richards may have been hired for a remodel on this home but was not its original designer.
Herluf Jensen Brydegaard

Jack Borchers House
Jack Borchers House

Robert Mosher

Residence #1 for Selrick Development Company
Residence #1 for Selrick Development Company

Robert J. Platt

Residence #2 for Selrick Development Company
Residence #2 for Selrick Development Company

Robert J. Platt

Residence for John A. Reed
Residence for John A. Reed

Residence for John A. Reed (1953-54) was designed by Sim Bruce Richards, Architect; and John Reed, Associate. The house has also been recognized as Residence ‘A’ Bangor Street for John Reed and Triangle House. The project sits atop Bangor Street, the high point of a set of lots Reed purchased in the early 1950s for spec development. He later built two homes below this site on Gage Drive.
John August Reed

Headquarters for the TraveLodge Corporation
Headquarters for the TraveLodge Corporation

Frank Lewis Hope Jr.

Atoll Residence
Atoll Residence

Kendrick Bangs Kellogg

Ishikawa Residence
Ishikawa Residence

Lloyd Pietrantonio Ruocco

Hindman, Robert Residence
Hindman, Robert Residence

John R. Mock

FutureCraft Home
FutureCraft Home

Frank Lewis Hope Jr.

Fine Residence
Fine Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Cornelius Residence
Cornelius Residence

Henry Hartwell Hester

Casady Residence
Casady Residence

Homer Delawie

Westphal Residence
Westphal Residence

Homer Delawie

Keller Residence III
Keller Residence III

Lloyd Pietrantonio Ruocco

Crabtree, Hodge N. Residence
Crabtree, Hodge N. Residence

Frederick Liebhardt Eugene Weston III

Bone Jack Residence
Bone Jack Residence

Richard Lareau

San Diego International Airport
San Diego International Airport

Clarence Joseph Paderewski Delmar Stuart Mitchell Dean Arthur Vickery

Butler Realty
Butler Realty

Henry Hartwell Hester Ronald Keith Davis

Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)

Redwood and glass structure that seems to float above the ocean from its hillside perch. Central hall aligns with the setting sun on the vernal equinox. Later additions mimic the design of the original lab/office facility. This radical architect that loved glass and landscaping, was quoted as saying “good architecture should call for the minimum use of materials for the most interesting and functional enclosure.” Arriving in San Diego in 1923, Lloyd Ruocco worked for Richard Requa to fund an education at UC Berkeley. Despite the citizens of La Mesa rejecting his plan to put their property in a common plot and rebuild on an intelligent master plan to achieve the ultimate in modern efficient living, he is remembered for his remarkable (and still lasting) contributions to San Diego architecture.
Lloyd Pietrantonio Ruocco

Medical Library
Medical Library

Robert Evans Alexander

Married Student Housing
Married Student Housing

Robert Mosher

Bonner Hall
Bonner Hall

Stanley Rollin Gould

Basic Science Building
Basic Science Building

Robert Evans Alexander

Herrera Residence
Herrera Residence

Lloyd Pietrantonio Ruocco

Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christ the King Lutheran Church

Deems, Lewis, Martin & Associates

Bond, Dr. Robert E. Residence
Bond, Dr. Robert E. Residence

Richard Joseph Neutra

Alpha Phi Sorority
Alpha Phi Sorority

Sim Bruce Richards

Winsett, Robert Residence
Winsett, Robert Residence

Hanis Lloyde Therkelsen

Vint, Mr & Mrs Vincent J. Residence
Vint, Mr & Mrs Vincent J. Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

Southworth, Albert "Oasis House" Residence
Southworth, Albert "Oasis House" Residence

Herbert B. Turner

Rypinsky Residence
Rypinsky Residence

Herbert B. Turner

Munger, George Residence
Munger, George Residence

Herbert B. Turner

Jones, Robert Residence I
Jones, Robert Residence I

Robert E. Jones

Esling, Helen Residence
Esling, Helen Residence

Sim Bruce Richards

DuPont Residence
DuPont Residence

Frederick Liebhardt Eugene Weston III

Busch, Max L. Residence
Busch, Max L. Residence

Robert E. Jones

Yen House
Yen House

Kendrick Bangs Kellogg

Salk Institute
Salk Institute

Louis Isadore Kahn