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Modern Escondido
Modern Escondido

Allen Residence
Address not known, Escondido
Designed by Ed Malone
Appleby, Carl and Eileen House (1978-1982)
16055 El Guejito Grade Road, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Baldwin, Russell & Joyce Residence (1968)
2854 Calmar Drive
Designed by Russell Baldwin
Barend, William Residence (1967)
Verda Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Beebe Residence (1960)
9458 Del Dios Highway
Designed by Weir Bros.
Brothers Residence (1952)
962 West 4th Avenue, Escondido
Attributed to Roger Matthews
Brown, Dr. James D. Residence (1967)
633 Ranchito Drive
Designed by Russell Forester
Copelands, Admiral House
Park Hill Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Curtis, Dr. William Parker Residence (1961)
Quiet Hills
Designed by Robert Maw; Features original James Hubbell stained glass windows and Jim Grey woodcarvings
Dorman, Chester and Sterling Residence (1976)
15585 Old Guejito Grade Road, Escondido
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Drielsma Residence (1961)
Address not known, Escondido
Designed by Ed Malone
Edwards, Jonathan Residence (1962)
2701 Bernardo Avenue
Designed by Hester & Davis
Fleet, Reuben H. Residence (1959)
3118 Quiet Hills Drive
Freitas Residence (1968)
3022 Donee Diego Drive
Designed by Russell Forester
Goodbody, Mike Residence
1514 Robyn Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hinrichs, Suzy and Jack Residence
2362 Royal Crest Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hinrichs, Tom Residence
Designed by Weir Bros.
Hotchkiss, Bud & Donee Residence
Donee Diego Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Jackson, James & Gretchen Residence (1964)
2775 La Palmas Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Johnson, Nancy Residence
Old San Pasqual Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Kannard Residence
5th Avenue
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Kornhauser, Richard Residence AKA ‘Rocky Point Ranch’ (1951)
1115 Rincon Avenue, Escondido
Now at 2220 Conway Drive, Escondido
Designed by Graham Latta Sheridan
Krichman, Alan & Joyce House Remodel (1975-76)
2377 Royal Oak Drive, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Lepman Residence (1954)
2410 Royal Crest Drive
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Lyon Residence (1972)
2411 Canyon Road
Designed by Sim Bruce Richards
Marincovich Residence (1964)
936 Vista Avenue
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Matheron, Richard C. House #2 (AKA Villa Tyto Alba) (2009)
15234 Sky High Road, Escondido
Designed by Norm Applebaum
Maw, Robert Residence (1962)
Unkonwn address in Quiet Hills
Designed by Robert Maw
*Maw was reported in 1961 to be designing his own home of light adobe and considering inclusion of work by Jim Hubbell, Jim Grey, and Jackson Wooley. Not clear if this was built.
McCreery House Remodel (1988)
455 East 5th Street, Escondido
*This remodel by architect Walter Stares White for James McCreery was of John Lloyd Wright's Wood House (1912)
McLeod Residence (1959)
1430 W. 11th
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Moore, Robert E. and Sara B. Residence (1966)
1626 Humphrey Place
Designed by engineer Robert Moore
Peacock, Dr. Residence (1966)
410 Condado Way
Designed by Don Schoell (Schoell & Geritz)
Private Residence
On West 11th, Escondido
Attributed to John Lloyd Wright
Private Residence
Hickory Street, Escondido
Attributed to John Lloyd Wright
Private Residence (1971)
1660 Cloverdale Road
Designed by Homer Delawie
Private Residence (1961)
3215 Bernardo Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1954)
2635 Loma Vista Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1959)
3188 Quiet Hills Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
*Wood for this project reportedly came from the old Ocean Beach pier
Private Residence (1978)
2405 Bernardo Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1961)
2705 Ross Lane
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1978)
2050 La Serena
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1959)
3125 Montesano Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1976)
10082 W. Lilac Road
Designed by Weir Bros.
Private Residence (1961-2)
Alexander Drive
Designed by Robert Vogler; Mentioned in April 1961 San Diego & Point Magazine as being a contemporary house on stilts viewable on Alexander Drive
Savage, Howard Residence (1970)
9822 Dogwood Lane
Designed by Fred Blecksmith, Jr.
Sjoberg, John & Deborah Residence II (1976)
419 Marlynn, Escondido
By John Beck Sjoberg
Speers Residence (1960)
118 Caroline Way
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Stafford, Newton & Hella Residence I (1957-58)
411 Idaho Avenue, Escondido, 92025
*Now labeled as 409-11 Idaho Ave
Designed by Walter Stares White
Stafford, Newton & Hella Residence II (1985-88)
2405 Nabal Street, Escondido, 92025
Designed by Walter Stares White
Vernon, Joen & Mary Residence (1968)
2860 Calmar Drive
Likely designed by John Vernon & Associates
Walseth Residence (1964)
705 Idaho Avenue
Designed by Weir Bros.
Weir Residence (1958)
738 Idaho Street
Designed by Weir Bros.
Weir, Robert Sr. Residence (1966)
1914 Summit Ridge Drive
Designed by Weir Bros.
Wood Residence (1912)
455 East 5th Street
Designed by John Lloyd Wright
Wyland Residence (1955)
2434 Choya Canyon, Escondido
Attributed to Roger Matthews

SOLD: Freitas House (Unbuilt) by Russell Forester
SOLD: Freitas House (Unbuilt) by Russell Forester

A spectacular residential lot with views to the south of the San Pasqual Trail and hills below. Just northeast of the Orfila Vineyards and Winery, the neighborhood is close to schools, shopping, San Diego Safari Park and an abundance of outdoor activities. Don't miss the opportunity to build your next home on this unique parcel. Contemporary renderings are under development that riff off an amazing unbuilt design for the site by modernist architect Russell Forester, for the Freitas family, in 1976.
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